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God Keeps His Promises: Infertility and Hope

A friend of mine recently shared her journey of infertility on social media, and I am so proud her. She is the definition of strength and resilience, and I have no doubt she will be the most incredible mother. I also believe that in sharing her story, she will help many other women that may also be struggling with infertility, IVF, and trying to have a baby.

She and her husband have walked through unimaginable pain, yet through it all, they’ve leaned on each other and on God, deepening their faith and love in ways that are truly inspiring to me. After years of struggling, failed IVF attempts, and doctors telling her she could never get pregnant, she knew in her heart God had a plan. At the end of her rope, she tried one last doctor that diagnosed her with Hashimotos and came up with a new plan. She got pregnant naturally with a baby girl coming this summer.

Infertility is a grief unlike any other. As a friend, it’s hard to know what to say or do, because we can’t heal that pain. But, what I do know, is no one should feel like they are alone in it. While I can’t take away the pain, I can stand beside you, hold your hand, pray with you and remind you that you are loved. 

I gave her a Noteworthy angel at the beginning of her IVF journey. It was a reminder to have hope even when everything feels hopeless. That God is always with you. I am so honored she asked me to create this meaningful keepsake for her daughter’s nursery. An angel for this miracle baby and a reminder that God keeps his promises. 

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